Money Back Guarantee in 3 days

Mielerie gives Money Back Guarantee for 3 days after the product received by customer according to customer’s address by the logistic courier. 



1. Submission can only be processed at Mielerie online store. Customer can contact Mielerie’s admin or customer service via Whatsapp (082128808889) to confirm the shipping address to return the products to Mielerie.

2. Customer needs to send the products accompanied with the invoices and certificates to the specified address.

3. Mielerie only accept the return if the product sent is not in accordance with the order / received in a defective / damaged condition. Please make a recording of Video Recording / Video Recording / Product photo when opening the packing shipment. If the item is damaged / deficient / does not match with the goods sent . It will be validated from the video recording. If there is no video or proof of record, it is considered invalid to complain and get a money back guarantee.  



    Mielerie allows customer to exchange item for 30 days after the product received by customer according to customer’s address by the logistic courier


    1. Every item that you want to exchange can only be processed at Mielerie online store, accompanied by invoices and certificates.

    2. Items that you want to exchange must be in a good condition. Mieleire has the right to reject the Product Exchange.

    3. Goods that are exchanged must have 30% larger nominal compared to the initial nominal of the item. 



      1. Jewelry Buy-Back and Trade in can be processed at Mielerie online stores. Customer can contact Mielerie’s admin or customer service via Whatsapp (082128808889) to confirm the shipping address to return the products to Mielerie.

      2. Each jewelry that will be resold or trade in will be inspected first by Mielerie Staff. If the product specifications are not in accordance with the certificates and invoices listed or the products are damaged,  Mielerie has the right to reject the

      3. Buyback and Trade in transaction process.
      Mielerie only accepts all products purchased under the Mielerie brand and does not accept products outside of those sold by Mielerie. 

      4. Submission of jewelry products that will be returned or trade-in must be provided along with the jewelry invoices and certificates of goods.

      5. Buy-Back and Trade in are not applicable for Wedding Ring (with or without diamond), but Mielerie will consider Wedding Ring that are not engraved.

      6. The payment to the buyer will be processed within 5 - 10 business days after Mielerie accept the item and confirm the buyback price.

      7. For Buy Back, the sales of diamond jewelry will be subject to a 35% discount from the price stated on the invoice after deducting the tax paid by the buyer.

      8. Rules for Trade in Programs Add Diamonds from Mielerie:

      - Sales of diamond jewelry that are less than 1 year old from the date of purchasing will be subject to a 10% discount on the price stated on the invoice after deducting the tax paid by the buyer.

      - Sales of diamond jewelry that are less than 2 years old from the date of purchasing will be subject to a 25% discount on the price stated on the invoice after deducting the tax paid by the buyer.

      - Sales of diamond jewelry that are more than 2 years old from the date of purchasing will get a buyback price based on the items condition.



        1. For Ready Stock Items Delivery will be send immediately for 1-2 working days if the ready stock items are in accordance with the ring size and color desired by the customer. 

        2. Resizing or color changing items will be processed within 7 working days and will be send immediately for 1 – 2 working days.

        3. Pre-Order items will be processed within 30 working days and will be send immediately for 1 – 2 working days.